Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

test speaking for umum

1.     Please introduce yourself !  (name,nickname,age,address,hobby)(Score 5)

2.     Would you mind to translate this sentence into English, then make positive, negative, and interrogative or Yes/No-Question !
- Andi kadang-kadang menonton televisi dua kali seminggu  (Score 5)

3.     Please tell me about your daily activity, using sometimes, always, never, etc, at least 10 sentences  (Score 20)

4.     What did you do yesterday, at least 5 sentences  (Score 20)

5.     What date and what time is it ?
Tanggal 5 November 2009, jam 09.20 pagi  (Score 10)

6.     Where did you go in your last holiday (lebaran/natal/galungan)? Please tell me what did you do, at least 10 sentences  (Score 20)

7.     What do you think of cigarette or smoking ? at least 5 sentences !         (Score 20)

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